
Quality people are hard to come by. Spiritually dedicated, quality people are rarer still.

Chris and I have a friendship that has offered me the opportunity to experience his depth of character and profound skillset first hand. I worked directly with Chris at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio on a business advisory board starting in April, 2017. I’ve learned much from Chris’s humble approach to leadership. He is persuasive and able to easily find common ground in uncommon scenarios and negotiate challenges our academic institutions face today. Chris is unwavering in his commitment to Christ and his role as a spouse and father. His deep love of our Lord and commitment to commandments makes him an extraordinary candidate for the high-level needs that our businesses and academic institutions demand. Chris will not waiver under pressure and gravitates to areas of imminent need and bravely attacks root problems and successfully uncover opportunities that would be overlooked by many. The unique skillset Mr. Ice brings to the table spans a lifetime career in the highly competitive Insurance industry in addition to the academic world including years at Franciscan where he held the role of director managing major giving and adjunct professor and most recently as the University president of Ave Maria in Florida. I would be hard pressed to recommend a finer gentleman to any organization seeking strong leadership.

Pat Fischer

CEO & President, Pat Fischer Nissan

Over the years I have had the pleasure to witness Chris excel as a C Level Leader, Business Associate, Friend, Husband, Father and Grandfather. His engaging smile and servant leadership style have served him well in all aspects of life. Chris has the exceptional ability to communicate one on one or to a huge audience with the same results. His authenticity is real and you will always feel as though you have gained a mentor/friend whether it be one meeting or a lifetime of meetings.

Chris has many talents…too many to mention here. Rest assured his energy level, business acumen and life experiences put him at an elite level.

Mike Kern

President at Marsh & McLennan Agency

I had the immense pleasure of working for Chris and learning under his talented leadership. His global perspective, incredibly patient and understanding demeanor, strategic well-rounded knowledge, and genuineness made me and his whole executive team engaged and eager to get the mission accomplished. Definitely one of the highest quality individuals I have ever worked with or for, in my 35 years of post-graduate business life.
Jeff Eckert

Author & CFO of Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph

I am happy to recommend Chris Ice as a prudent, charitable, intelligent man whose leadership is founded on integrity and concern for the common good. At Ave Maria University he made strong strides toward overcoming impediments to communication between faculty and the board that are counter-productive to the flourishing of the institution, while also undertaking practical steps to address a variety of pressing problems. His communication skills are remarkable, and his ingenuousness, practicality, and ability to listen discerningly to those around him builds strong relationships in service to the common enterprise. He is a true professional and a man of happy and magnanimous virtue.
Dr. Steven Long

Author, Ave Maria University professor & President of the American Catholic Philosophical Association

Chris Ice is one of the most dynamic and inspiring leaders I know. His ability to assess a situation and find a strategy is amazing but it is his special ability of leading people through difficult times and change that is truly outstanding.

By working with Chris as his speech coach, I heard a variety of stories that he shared of organizations who were turned around quickly. He has the ability to bring people together. To inspire people to greatness and to challenge them to stick to the commitment and plan backed with integrity.

As a speaker, Chris shows vulnerability while also showing great strength. These are two great characters for a speaker and I have personally seen an audience of over 800 young people be wowed by Chris’ storytelling and advice.

If you are seeking someone to help lead your organization, speak to or motivate your team, or if you need a strategy for fundraising, give Chris a call. You will find him to be a dynamic personality, a smart and savvy collaborator, and a well-connected but humble family man.

Kudos to you Chris for living well. You are a true inspiration!

Mary Gardner

CEO of Mary Gardner Communications

Chris Ice was an innovative successful President at Ave Maria University. Under his leadership, he increased student enrollment, fundraising, and established a top talent Cabinet. Chris is trustworthy, humble, and a good listener. Any organization would be fortunate to have him as its executive leader.
Gerald Hannah

PhD, Author, CEO & President of Gerald Hannah Group

I admire Chris’s universal acclaim and esteem in which he is held by all the members of the community. He defies the dictum attributed to President Abraham Lincoln that one ‘cannot please all the people all the time.
Fr. Eamon McManus

Ave Maria University professor

Chris and I worked closely together at Franciscan University of Steubenville. While Chris’ career took him in another direction, we have remained in contact due to the bonds we built while serving together. Chris is a servant leader and seeks to help those around him grow professionally and personally. He is a rare individual who is not threatened by other’s successes. Chris understands that great effort and God’s blessing are responsible for many achievements in life and he seeks to cultivate those achievements and help them grow.

While working with Chris, you often see his colleagues reach their goals and achievements because of Chris’ dedication to their success. I was often a recipient of his selfless leadership. If you are looking for someone to help you or your organization reach its potential, this man is the type of person who can assist you in making it happen. Chris is successful because of his willingness to guide and help you find your own success. Do yourself a favor and allow Chris to facilitate your team’s success. You will be glad you did!

Scott Greve

Director of Athletics, Franciscan University of Steubenville

Chris is one of those special people who can always be counted on for whatever the task is. He is honest as the day is long, has a wonderfully creative mind, is a man of the highest integrity and kindness, and is just a real “man’s man” and “pro’s pro.” I’m grateful for his friendship and guidance and help over many years.
Chris Aubert

Attorney, Radio Talk Show Host

Christopher Ice is one of the most genuine, honest and God-fearing persons I have ever met. My experience with Chris has been both professional and personal. His character is without question. I recommend him without reservation for any endeavor that he pursues.
Dr. Anthony D’Agostino

resident of Anthony D’Agostino Medical, Board of Trustee at Ave Maria University